Friday, February 3, 2012

Tekken Move List Legends Part 1

1left punch2right punch
3left kick4right kick
5tag buttonanyany button but tag
ftap forwardFhold forward
dtap downDhold down
btap backBhold back
utap upUhold up
d/ftap down forwardD/Fhold down forward
d/btap down backD/Bhold down back
u/ftap up forwardU/Fhold up forward
u/btap up backU/Bhold up back
qcfquarter circle forwardqcbquarter circle back
hcfhalf circle forwardhcbhalf circle back

FCfull crouch animationWSwhile standing up
Njoystick in neutralWRwhile running
SSside step either waySSLside step to left
SSRside step to right[  ]optional command
,followed by~immediately after
+at the same time(  _  )or
<delayed input=next in sequence
°push and hold button:requires just frame input

Grounded Positions
PLDplay dead positionface up & feet away
KNDknockdown positionface up & feet towards
SLDslide positionface down & feet away
FCDface down positionface down & feet towards

Move Properties
BTyour back turned to the opponent
FFface forward towards opponent
OBforces opponent's back to face you
OCforces opponent into crouch
OSforces opponent's side to face you
JGjuggle starter
BNbounce juggle starter
RCrecover crouching after a move
RCjjoystick modifier, need to hold D during the move to RC
CHrequires a counter hit
DSdouble over stun
tap f to escape in most cases, you can usually launch opponent
FSfall back stun
tap f to escape in most cases, you can usually launch opponent
MSminor stun
various animations, in most cases doesn't lead to guaranteed hits
KSkneel stun
opponent is forced onto one knee, usually does not act as a combo starter
CScrumple stun
opponent crumples to the ground in front of you right away, usually acts as a combo starter
CFcrumple fall
opponent stay briefly upright before slumping to the ground, usually acts a combo starter
CFScrumple fall stun
opponent is pushed away while crumping to the ground, can be a combo starter
BSblock stun (to attacking character, ex. Law d/b+4)
SHstagger hit
GBguard break
opponent is immobalized briefly, the opponent usually has the offensive advantage
TTthrow transition (results in throw on hit)
TCtechnically crouching state
crouch status during this move cruches high attacks
TJtechnically jumping state
jump status during this move crushes low attacks
HAhoming attack
move tracks both left and right
B!this move cause bound state
bound moves usually also cause floor destuction
F!this move cause floor destruction
mostly for throws that don't cause a bound state but break floors
#see corresponding footnote
[2]hit modifier (eg RC[2] property applies to 2nd hit)
bBlock modifier (eg. OCb opponent crouch on block)
cCH modifier (eg. JGc is a juggle starter on counter hit)
cocrouching opponent modifier (eg. KSco)
ccoCH on crouching opponent modifier (eg. FScco)

By : Tekken Zaibatsu


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